Happy Lunchtimes

Happy Lunchtimes at Davyhulme Primary School
Years 1-6 had a great time in December 2022 when Steve Harris from Happy Playtimes visited us to help develop aspects of our lunchtimes with staff and pupils. We have now introduced the Happy Lunchtime system from Reception to Year 6. This promotes positive relationships and behaviour, and positive play.
The school council worked with Steve to help to set our goals for lunchtime. These are:
- Using ‘The Zone’ to engage with a new activity each lunchtime
- Showing kindness and consideration during play
- Using a positive behaviour system to encourage good behaviour
- Showing respect for staff, equipment and one another
Our Happy Lunchtime system is as follows:
The Zone:
This is an area of each playground where a different activity will be available each day, drawn from a wide range of activities created by our mid-day supervisors. The activity of the day, and the person who has organised it will be displayed on a chalk board. These activities are designed to appeal to differing ‘styles’ of play. Equipment for the activity of the day will remain inside the zone, and rules will be explained and respected. Everyone will be welcome to join in at any point and the pupils know the response to “Can I play?” is “Of course you can.”
The core menu
There will be a core ‘menu’ of activities which will be available each day e.g. football. These will remain the same each day.
The dining hall
Staff and pupils want to ensure that the dining hall is a quiet and pleasant area to eat. Pupils will be encouraged to use good table manners when eating their lunches.
Rewards and consequences
- Pom – poms: Mid-day supervisors will hand out pom poms freely for positive behaviour during lunchtime. Pom-poms will be collected in four team colour tubes (one set per class). The winning class will be revealed at our Thursday celebration assemblies. The winning class will receive the ‘Golden Lunchbox.’ Inside there will be a token rewarding them with a ten minute treat e.g. ten minutes extra golden time, or playtime. The school council will collect ideas for the ten minute treats in a suggestion box.
- Certificates
Each mid-day supervisor will nominate a pupil for a special mention. The pupil will receive a certificate during our Thursday celebration assemblies, sharing their name, the staff name, and the reason for the certificate.
- The Top Table of Awesomeness
Once a half term there will be a ‘Table of Awesomeness’ in each dining room. This will be a themed table where the pupils sat at the table will enjoy a special lunch time. Ten children will be selected to sit at the top table, along with a mid-day supervisor. They will receive a special invite to sit at the top table.
There are three levels of consequences. These are:
- A quiet word
This involves explaining to a pupil when they are making the wrong choice. Mid-day supervisors will:
- Listen if a child wants to explain
- Remain calm and quiet
- Be crystal clear about expectation
- Leave the pupil with a smile
- Two minute reflection and apology
This is used when expectations have been made clear to a pupil, but the pupil decides not to follow them. It is deliberate behaviour. The pupil will spend two minutes with the mid-day supervisor to reflect on their choice. This becomes five minutes only if the pupil is uncooperative. The pupil will be asked to apologise, accept that they were wrong, to show respect and to take responsibility. At the end of the two minute reflection period, the mid-day supervisor will finish positively with a thank you.
- Red line behaviour
This is used for:
- Bullying
- Racism or any other form of prejudice
- Violence
- Swearing or spitting
- Outright defiance
In these instances, the pupils will be sent to a member of the Senior Leadership Team, or if they will not leave the playground, the member of staff will be called for. Once the member of the Senior Leadership Team has dealt with the pupil’s behaviour choices, in line with school policy, the pupil will be taken back to the mid-day supervisor. The member of the Senior Leadership Team will leave, and the pupil will follow the two minute reflection stage. The pupil will also apologise to the mid-day supervisor.
Davyhulme Primary School, Canterbury Road, Davyhulme, Manchester M41 0RX Phone: 0161 748 3392