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Davyhulme Primary School, Davyhulme
Meet The Teacher KS1- Tuesday 24th September 3.30- 4.30 KS2- Wednesday 25th September 3.30- 4.30
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Enriched Curriculum


Enriched Curriculum

At Davyhulme Primary School, we have always been committed to providing a broad and balanced curriculum. We are passionate about this and have been committed to providing children with enriched, educational experiences on our ‘Fabulous Fridays’ for over twelve years. Fabulous Friday is an incredibly vibrant, fun, action-packed day in which children are immersed in all aspects of the curriculum.

Activities offered include:

  • Language lessons – French and Spanish
  • Dance
  • Music – singing, learning an instrument and composition
  • Art
  • Sport
  • Forest School
  • Taking care of our environment
  • Nurture Group
  • Cooking
  • P4C
  • Drama
  • Computing


Educational Trips/Visits

We are passionate about providing children with opportunities to apply their skills,  knowledge and understanding of the curriculum and we offer a wide range of trips and visits to complement pupils’ learning in school. These experiences offer our children the opportunity to explore the local area as well as visiting places of interest further afield. We aim that each class should have at least one of these enhanced opportunities each term. We provide residential visits in Year 5 and Year 6 which are exciting, varied and a fantastic opportunity for relationship building and developing those life-long learning skills such as resilience, independence and risk-taking. In addition, we invite visitors into school to lead workshops, experience days or to talk to our children about first hand experiences, for example grandparents talking to pupils about their childhood etc. We have strong links with our local bookshop, Urmston Bookshop, and regularly welcome authors into school.

Extra-Curricular Clubs

We have high expectations for attainment and progress in all subjects, but we also offer a wide range of art, musical and sporting opportunities throughout each phase. Children are given opportunities to participate in extra-curricular clubs during lunchtimes and after school. These are led by both our teaching staff and outside agencies. This is a real strength of our school. Please see the attached clubs timetable to look at the wide range of clubs and activities we offer.

Pupils have opportunities to share their learning with each other, their parents and carers and other learners through school-based and external exhibitions, performances, competitions and events involving other schools. We are an active participant in many local sporting competitions and fixtures, and we also participate in a range of other competitive events such as choral speaking competitions, public speaking events and performances. All pupils have the opportunity to participate in a performance on our superb stage during their time at Davyhulme Primary School and experience some form of professional theatre experience – this is part of our ‘cultural capital pledge’ (see below).

Developing pupils’ independence and motivation as learners and their sense of responsibility as future citizens is at the heart of all our teaching and learning. There are opportunities for the children to undertake additional responsibilities within their class and the whole school such as: prefects, School Councillors, Eco Warriors, Language Leaders, Computing Champions and Play Leaders. Children from Key Stage 2 work alongside our younger pupils as both play leaders and reading buddies.

We are deeply committed to looking after our pupils’ well-being and mental health and offer a range of activities to support our pupils, for example nurture groups led by our Pastoral Lead, Lego Club and Play Therapy. We also focus on mindfulness in the classroom by allowing pupils to train their attention to the present moment without dwelling on what has happened in the past, or worrying about the future. We also provide weekly yoga classes for all of our pupils in Key Stage 1 and 2.

Focus Days and Weeks

Some aspects of our vibrant curriculum are delivered through focus weeks and days. At such times, the timetable is suspended and activities are focused on a key them such as Arts Week, Science Week, International Week, D.T. focus days etc. The pupils in Year 5 also have the opportunity to be budding entrepreneurs during Enterprise Day.

Cultural Capital Pledge – Davyhulme Primary School

It is our intent that every pupil at Davyhulme Primary School will have had the opportunity to:

  1. Take part in a public performance.
  2. Go on a school residential trip.
  3. Discover their talent – wherever it may lie.
  4. Represent the school in some way.
  5. Visit the theatre to see a professional show.
  6. Perform a classic poem off by heart.
  7. Visit an art gallery.
  8. Learn a musical instrument.
  9. Listen to a famous classical piece of music.
  10. Read a piece of classic literature.