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Davyhulme Primary School, Davyhulme
School Closes at 3.15pm on Thursday 19th December for Christmas
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Nursery Admissions 

Parents can complete a nursery application form at the start of the academic year that their child will become 3 years old. The closing date for applications is January 15th, in line with Trafford Admissions.

Applications for places for children in nursery classes should be completed by parents on our Nursery Admissions Form and submitted to the School Office. 


Nursery Admission Policy

The school's Nursery Admissions Policy is available to download below, along with a Nursery Application Form.


School Admissions

Children start school in the September of the academic year in which they become five years old.

Parents considering sending their child to the school are invited to make an appointment to visit the school and talk with the Head Teacher.

To apply for a school place, please complete the application form via the following link to the Trafford Applications Portal. 



Address School Admissions 4th Floor, Waterside House Waterside Sale M33 7ZF


Fax 0161 912 5083

Phone 0161 912 5007, 5012, 5047, 5080, 5084, 5085


What happens next?

Following confirmation of acceptance of places for the Reception classes, parents will be invited to attend a Welcome Meeting to meet some of the staff, and visit their child’s new classroom and class teacher.

Our admission procedures take into account that children are very young – still only 4 years old – when admitted to school. We have a special policy to integrate these children gradually into school life starting with a visit to the Reception classes during the Summer Term prior to admission.

In September, the children are admitted on a part-time basis which is flexible and may be extended to meet the individual needs of the children.

In Year Admissions

All admissions to the school are dealt with through Trafford.

Information on school admissions from is available here.

Address School Admissions 4th Floor, Waterside House Waterside Sale M33 7ZF


Fax 0161 912 5083

Phone 0161 912 5007, 5012, 5047, 5080, 5084, 5085