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Davyhulme Primary School, Davyhulme
Meet The Teacher KS1- Tuesday 24th September 3.30- 4.30 KS2- Wednesday 25th September 3.30- 4.30
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Our Approach – Enquiry-Based Learning

At Davyhulme Primary, we follow the Trafford Locally Agreed Syllabus, with units from Discovery RE to support our teaching and assessment. We use an enquiry-based approach to our learning. Over their time at Davyhulme Primary, children will encounter the principal religions in the UK: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism, as well as non-religious, secular beliefs such as Humanism.

Each enquiry lasts for half a term and begins with a “big” question such as “What is the best way for a Christian/Jew/Muslim etc. to show commitment to God?” The children then start discussing the theme of the enquiry (in this case, commitment) from their own experience. What have they shown commitment to? Brownies? Cubs? Their sporting team? Playing an instrument?

Only when the children fully understand the concept they are considering, do they then move on to investigating what the people following the studied religion believe about it. At the end of their investigation, they will complete an activity which can assess their learning, by answering their “big” question. The assessment activities are child friendly and can be answered in a variety of ways, as long as the child can justify their view with the knowledge they have gained throughout the enquiry. This demonstrates the level of critical thinking that the children can apply – a valuable skill for them throughout the school curriculum.

The final week in every enquiry gives the children time to reflect on what they have learnt about the concept and apply to it their own lives, thus allowing them to form their own beliefs and identity. For example, learning that Sikhs share their food with all who attend has taught me ……… about sharing that I would like to take forward with me. These lessons are often very creative and children have opportunities to make items to express themselves in ways other than just writing.

At Davyhulme Primary, we have chosen to cover a two or three different faiths each year, with Christianity being taught every year. In every enquiry, we strive to draw links between the focus religion and the other faiths and belief systems that the children have encountered so far in their learning. For more information and details of which religions are taught when, please have a look at the RE Curriculum Overview on our website.

The Right of Withdrawal

RE is a statutory subject in all schools in England, except for those children withdrawn at the request of their parents. (Education Act 2002, section 80). It is parents’ legal right to withdraw their children from all or part of Religious Education.

Those parents/carers wishing to exercise this right are invited in to see the head teacher and/or RE Leader, who will explore any concerns and discuss any impact that withdrawal may have on the child.

As a school, it is our duty to keep a record of those children being withdrawn from RE lessons, and to inform our local Standing Advisory Council of RE regarding numbers of children being withdrawn.


RE Curriculum Overview