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Davyhulme Primary School, Davyhulme
SATS WEEK FOR Y2 and Y6 - Monday 13th May to Friday 17th May - Goodluck Everyone ! Please make sure that all pupils go to bed in good time and that iPads, gaming devices and iphones are not used at bedtime as they may interfere with sleep patterns. Please make sure that all pupils come to school in good time and that appointments are made for another time in a different week.
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Chess Champions and Finalists - Trophies all provided by the P TA

21st Dec 2017

Every child in KS2 had the opportunity to enter this knockout tournament . The girls made a really strong challenge to the boys this year which has been the best ever for them . The 30 best players in the school will go on to enter the Chess League after Christmas and then compete in the national Delancy competition if they prove to be the very best in our school.