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Davyhulme Primary School, Davyhulme
SATS WEEK FOR Y2 and Y6 - Monday 13th May to Friday 17th May - Goodluck Everyone ! Please make sure that all pupils go to bed in good time and that iPads, gaming devices and iphones are not used at bedtime as they may interfere with sleep patterns. Please make sure that all pupils come to school in good time and that appointments are made for another time in a different week.
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Chess Club Using Sets Bought by PTA

31st Oct 2017

Our PTA have provided 10 chess sets so that all of the children can learn to play and then take part in competitions for each year group. The PTA have also provided trophies and paid for a competition pack allowing our children to compete in a national competition which they have done each year for the past ten years. Pupils start learning to play chess in Y2 and then given the opportunity to continue to learn in Y3, Y4 , Y5 and Y6. Knock out competitions are held for each year group from Y3 - Y6 in the Autumn term and then the best players take part in the Delancey UK Schools Chess Challenge after Christmas. Exceptional players can progress to the County Megafinal , Regional Gigafinal or even National Terafinal . With PTA support, this club has become one of the most popular clubs in school with approximately over 150 children taking part each year.