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Davyhulme Primary School, Davyhulme
SATS WEEK FOR Y2 and Y6 - Monday 13th May to Friday 17th May - Goodluck Everyone ! Please make sure that all pupils go to bed in good time and that iPads, gaming devices and iphones are not used at bedtime as they may interfere with sleep patterns. Please make sure that all pupils come to school in good time and that appointments are made for another time in a different week.
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Pupil Voice

11th Nov 2021

The student council has carried out a Pupil Survey in Key Stage 2. This survey explores what the children think about school, how they find their learning, and what their experiences of playtime are like. All children in Key Stage 2 had a chance to complete a questionnaire.  The Year 6 children have added up all of the results and recorded the results in a frequency chart. They then used the results to plot bar charts. They analysed the findings and drew conclusions. The Student Council will be discussing what we can do to improve areas that did not score as high as others.