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Davyhulme Primary School, Davyhulme
SATS WEEK FOR Y2 and Y6 - Monday 13th May to Friday 17th May - Goodluck Everyone ! Please make sure that all pupils go to bed in good time and that iPads, gaming devices and iphones are not used at bedtime as they may interfere with sleep patterns. Please make sure that all pupils come to school in good time and that appointments are made for another time in a different week.
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Year 5 Enterprise Day

12th Jul 2018

Today, Year 5 held their own Enterprise Day. The children worked in teams to sell their own products. This involved a great deal of planning and preparation both in school and at home. The day was a huge success and the children managed to raise an incredible £1, 100 for charity! We were so impressed by how hard all the children worked and by their great team work and organisation skills. They were brilliant. A huge thank you to parents and grandparents for your help and support with Enterprise Day. We really do appreciate it. Thank you also to our P.T.A. for kindly giving each child £1.00 to grow. We will have a vote to decide which charity to donate our profits to. Well done Year 5 and thank you once again. The Year 5 Team.